
Berridge Primary and Nursery SchoolWorking Together to Achieve Success


Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 information page.


A copy of the recent letters is below which contains useful information about this term. Please remember there’s lots of useful information in other parts of this website from help at home and what your child will be learning in school.


We organise parent consultation meetings throughout the year to discuss your child’s learning and in July you will receive written report.

 If you have any questions or queries please contact us and the class teacher will be happy to arrange a meeting.


“ Working together to achieve success”

Year 2 Class Newsletters 2024-2025

Focus Page Year 2 October 2023


Geography and DT

Year 2 have been learning about the four countries and capital cities in the UK. We made famous landmarks of London such as Big Ben and Tower Bridge.




We have been writing about Paddington Bear and his adventures in London. We have learnt about where he goes and how much he loves marmalade sandwiches.



Home Learning Challenges

Thank you for helping your children at home to complete Home Learning Challenges. We have all been so impressed with your work.



