
Berridge Primary and Nursery SchoolWorking Together to Achieve Success


Curriculum meeting

Yr1 phonics workshop

On 24th September 2024,  Alison Aldridge led a phonic workshop for Yr1 parents on how you can support your child with phonics at home and shared information regarding the Yr1 phonic screening check.  Thank you to all the parents who attended, it was a fantastic turn out and feedback was positive!



Maths Meeting

On 27th February 2024, Helen Disley held a Math meeting for F2 parents.  The session focussed on how numeracy is taught in school and ideas on how you can support your child's mathematical learning  at home while having fun.  Everyone who attended received a pack of activities to try at home.

Please find the Power Point below:

F2 Maths Power Point

Yr 1 English & Maths meeting

On 28th November we held a Yr 1 English and Maths meeting for parents to share ways in how you can support your child at home.

Please see below for the Power Point:


Yr1 English & Maths Power Point

Phonics meeting

On 10th October we held a phonics meeting for F2 parents to introduce how phonics is taught in school and how you can help at home.  For those of you who were unable to attend please find the PowerPoint below:

F2 Phonics meeting

Yr 2 English & Maths

On 21st November we held an English and Maths meeting for Yr2 parents to share information on how we teach these subjects in school and how you can help at home.

Please see power point below:

Yr 2 English & Maths power point

Writing meeting

On 9th March a writing meeting was held for F2 parents to explain how to encourage and support writing at home.  Parents were given writing templates they can use at home.

Please find the Power Point below:


F2 Writing Power Point

Yr2 SATs meeting

On 7th February we held a Yr 2 SATs meeting for parents.  Claire Seed explained how we do SATs in school and how you can support at home.

Yr2 SATs Power Point
