At Berridge, we are passionate about outdoor learning. Our children love to visit the wonderful school garden.
We have put together a top ten outdoor activities that children can do at home. We have deliberately chosen activities that require minimal outdoor space and resources so that everybody can do them.
You could email any photos of children taking part in these activities to your child’s class teacher
1 Make a bird bath This will help any birds who visit your outdoor area.
2 Feed the birds This is a great way to encourage birds to visit your outdoor space.
3 Take part in the RSPB big garden bird watch.
4 Go on a nature walk as part of your daily exercise. If you see any interesting nature on your walk you can photograph it.
5 Make a rain gauge.
6 Cloudspotting. Look up at the clouds, what do they look like? Sometimes you can spot different shapes in the clouds. What can you see?
7 Weather diary Keep a weather diary for a week. You can start this on any day. Your child can write, draw or photograph what the weather is doing.
8 Bug hunt. If you have a garden or any outdoor space, have a look and see if you can find any creatures. They love to hide under things.
9 Teddy bears picnic. If you have an outdoor space, you can take a blanket, your lunch and your favourite cuddly toy. If you don’t have an outdoor space, don’t worry. You can have indoor picnics too!!
10 Stick man. Find a stick and decorate it. You can use paint, wool, googly eyes, scraps of fabric or anything you have.
The following websites have some great ideas for helping children to engage with nature.