
Berridge Primary and Nursery SchoolWorking Together to Achieve Success


Flu Vaccination

Dear Parents/Carers


Flu Vaccine - Wednesday 11th December


Flu season is nearly here again and it is recommended that all primary school children receive the flu vaccine even if they had it last year. It is really important that we try to protect the NHS and prevent the spread of flu this winter.


On Wednesday 11th December experienced NHS nurses will be in school administering the flu nasal spray vaccine to the children.


If you would like your child to receive the flu vaccine in school this year, please follow this link to complete an online consent form. If you would like to decline, please complete a no consent form on the attached link.


A separate online form must be filled in for each child.

The link will close on the 26.11.24. If your child has already had the Flu vaccine elsewhere since beginning of Sept 2024, please disregard this message.


If you have any problems accessing the link, please telephone 0333 3583 397 option 4, option 2.


Please find attached a flyer from the immunisation team regarding the flu vaccine. This flyer is also available to view on our school website.


Thank you

Berridge Primary School


Flu Vaccination - Wednesday 11th December
