
Berridge Primary and Nursery SchoolWorking Together to Achieve Success


Useful Information

NHS MMR Vaccination

Uniform Project

Nottingham City Council Early Help videos - how to get advice, information and support for children, young people and families in Nottingham City.



Long animation in English : (1 min 11 seconds)


Short animation in English: (33 seconds)


Short animation in Urdu: (32 seconds)


Short animation in Arabic (42 seconds)


Short animation in Romanian



Easy Read Strategy with Voice overs

Early Help Strategy Easy Read in Arabic


Early Help Strategy Easy Read in Urdu


Early Help Strategy Easy Read in Romanian


Early Help Strategy Easy Read in English


Nottingham City Council welcome any feedback about how they can improve their resources to make them the best and most accessible they can be. If you would prefer to do this anonymously please follow this link Give us your feedback on the Early Help website by clicking here.


NHS Healthy Start - Who is eligable?

Still image for this video
NHS Healthy Start - Free fruit, veg, milk, pulses and vitamins

Prioritise & reduce your bills

We are aware that many people are struggling with the rise in food and fuel costs.  Nottingham City Council have put together information on what to do if you are struggling to pay your bills and support you can access.

Please click the link below for more information.

How we communicate information with parents?

Throughout the year we will be providing information about your child's progress and what is happening in school in several ways. These include:-
  • Information on the school website
  • letters and verbal reminders to children
  • Monthly school newsletters
  • Year group letters at the start of each term  
  • Regular text/app messages and information events
  • Parents' evenings
  • School report in the summer term
  • Emails to parents
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher or the school office who will be happy  to help. 

Nottingham CityCare’s Text Health service is available for parents/carers of 0-19 year olds to text a school nurse or health visitor. Just text us on 07480 635002 and we’ll reply back. T&Cs:

SEND Information for Parents
