
Berridge Primary and Nursery SchoolWorking Together to Achieve Success


Mobile Phones


School have decided to review our Mobile Phone Policy as we are aware there are an increasing number of children bringing them in to school and using them, without permission, to access the internet and take photos of themselves and others.


Safeguarding pupils from potentially harmful and inappropriate material, and protecting their privacy is a priority at school. Mobile phones are not covered by the school's rigorous filtering and monitoring software. Therefore, school have decided that mobile phones should not be brought in to school. 


However, in some exceptional circumstances, parents of year 5 and 6 pupils, may wish their child to have a mobile phone. In this case, we will allow phones in school subject to a parent requesting permission from school. Once permission is granted a child will be allowed to bring a phone to school but has to follow the rules outlined in the Mobile Phone Acceptable Use agreement. 


If phones are discovered in school without the relevant permissions in place or the rules are not being followed the phone will be stored in the school office and parents will be informed and asked to come and collect them. This may result in permission being withdrawn. 
