Ms Phillips is the Data Protection Officer. She is registered with the Information Commissioners Offce (ICO) Her role is to oversee and monitor the school’s Data Protection procedures and to ensure they are compliant with GDPR.
If you have a question about how your personal data is used in school, or would like to make a formal request, you can contact our Data Protection Officer by emailing or in writing to Berridge Primary School Berridge Road West, Nottingham, NG75LE marking your envelope 'For the attention of the Data Protection Officer'
or use the contact form below.
Please be aware that over the school holiday period.,when the school is closed, emails may not be monitored and therefore SARs/ Data requests may not be completed within the statutory deadline.
The summer holiday runs from 4:00pm Friday 26th July until Thursday 29th August.
For further clarity please see Appendix 1 of the subject access request policy- linked below.
You can use this email to contact the DPO