
Berridge Primary and Nursery SchoolWorking Together to Achieve Success



Every voice counts! We all have a say in making decisions that affect us.

Good Practice

  • Provide opportunites for pupils to have their voices heard and valued in class discussions and debates
  • Provide opportunities for voting so pupils have first hand experiences of the democratic process
  • Encourage pupils to volunteer for different roles which benefit the school community such as: playtime buddies, lunch time and playtime equipment monitor, computer monitors and librarians
  • Consult pupils as to the content of and outcomes of their learning 
  • Consider national and international events, such as major elections, local council issues and community issues and integrate into assemblies and planning. 

Evidence at Berridge

  • Pupils voting in class following class debates and discussions, to decide class treats etc
  • Pupils choosing how to present their learning, asking questions and researching answers
  • Pupils writing manifestos and voting in Berridge Elections
  • Pupils making decisions about current issues
  • Pupils learning about democracy and the democratic process in PSHE
  • Pupils comparing the voting system today with the system in Ancient Greece