
Berridge Primary and Nursery SchoolWorking Together to Achieve Success


Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 information page.


A copy of the recent letters is below which contains useful information about this term. Please remember there’s lots of useful information in other parts of this website from help at home and what your child will be learning in school.


We organise parent consultation meetings throughout the year to discuss your child’s learning and in July you will receive written report.

 If you have any questions or queries please contact us and the class teacher will be happy to arrange a meeting.


“ Working together to achieve success”

Year 1 Focus Page - May 2024


This term Year 1 had a brilliant experience when White Post farm came into show us some animals as part of our ‘What is it like in hot countries?’ topic.

Children were allowed to hold rabbits, Guinea Pigs, snakes, lizards and centipedes.





Around the school, the children acted out the journey in the story of ‘Don’t Spill the Milk’. This helped them remember when they retold the story in English.


Year 1 learned about capacity, volume and mass in maths by exploring with water, sand, and objects with different weights.




Year 1 Focus Page - September 2023



What can I do with my body!

We have been looking at the importance of agility in our body and named our body parts.


We are unique and special in different ways!

We enjoyed crafts of beautiful flower making, showing we are colourful and unique.


It’s ok to be different!

We drew ourselves and wrote about how different we are and that it is ok!



Our reading area theme is Transport. We have explored various forms as well as creating a display for our reading area!   



