
Berridge Primary and Nursery SchoolWorking Together to Achieve Success



We always cooperate and resolve conflicts peacefully.

Good Practice

  • Encouraging pupils to work co-operatively.
  • Encouraging pupils to recognise and respect social differences and similarities.
  • Providing positive opportunities for co-operation, for example, through assemblies, team activities, residential experiences, school productions.
  • Helping pupils develop personal qualities which are valued in a civilised society, for example, through thoughtfulness, honesty, respect for difference, moral principles, independence, interdependence and self-respect.
  • Helping pupils to challenge, when necessary and in appropriate ways, the values of a group or wider community.
  • Identifying key values and principles on which the school community life is based.
  • Fostering a sense of community with common inclusive values which ensure that everyone, irrespective of ethnic origin, nationality, gender, ability, sexual orientation and religion can flourish.

Evidence at Berridge

  • School values and rules
  • Community events- Christingle, Christmas and Summer fairs, Harvest, Eid, Diwali and Easter celebrations, Remembrance day, termly music concerts, talent show, school performances, choir events
  • Family Learning events and courses
  • Charitable and fundraising events throughout the year
  • Playground buddies and sports leaders
  • School council
  • Enrichment days and wow! Experiences built into the topics
  • Residential experience for Y6