
Berridge Primary and Nursery SchoolWorking Together to Achieve Success


No Outsiders

What is no Outsiders? 


No outsiders in a whole school ethos- 


'Everyone is different, everyone is welcome, we all belong here' 


No outsiders is an inclusive  framework of lessons to teach about diversity and equality from Reception up to Y6 that support and enhance the work we do in school towards pupil personal development.


Through the use of beautiful picture books and discussions, lessons challenge prejudice in wider society, allowing  pupils to explore the ways in which they are similar and different from each other.  How we all have multiple similarities and differences and belong to many different groups. 


We want our  pupils to explore and be proud of their own multiple differences and value and accept  the differences  of others. 


The lessons devised by Andrew Moffat MBE, meet many of the objectives set out in the Relationships and Health education guidance. 



When do you teach No Outsiders? 


Each half term there is a new No outsiders book and related lesson, this is usually read with pupils in the first week of each new half term.  

No Outsiders Books
