Welcome to Nursery information page.
A copy of the recent letters is below which contains useful information about this term. Please remember there’s lots of useful information in other parts of this website from help at home and what your child will be learning in school.
We organise parent consultation meetings throughout the year to discuss your child’s learning and in July you will receive written report.
If you have any questions or queries please contact us and the class teacher will be happy to arrange a meeting.
“ Working together to achieve success”
Focus Page Nursery - December 2024
This Autumn term as the nights have been drawing in, Nursery have been learning lots about ‘light and dark’ and our stories have followed this theme.
At the start of the half term we learnt about Diwali and enjoyed our Diwali party, getting dressed up and learning Bollywood dancing together!
A big thank you…
We have had such a fun half term from celebrating Diwali, Children in Need and now Christmas. Thank you for all parents and carers that have supported Nursery and school in any way from making charitable donations, bringing in party food and joining us for our stay and play activities and Christmas performances. It really is appreciated. I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Here a selection of highlights from the half term.
The Nursery Team,