
Berridge Primary and Nursery SchoolWorking Together to Achieve Success



Welcome to Nursery information page.


A copy of the recent letters is below which contains useful information about this term. Please remember there’s lots of useful information in other parts of this website from help at home and what your child will be learning in school.


We organise parent consultation meetings throughout the year to discuss your child’s learning and in July you will receive written report.

 If you have any questions or queries please contact us and the class teacher will be happy to arrange a meeting.


“ Working together to achieve success”

Nursery Newsletters 2024 - 2025

Nursery Focus Page - March 2024


Our Topic this term: Transport 


Nursery have been listening to and telling different stories about transport, we have been learning about the names of the different types of transport. We have looked at what the transport is used for and where you can go in it!




So far, we have had train rides through the countryside to the sea. Then we went in a cardboard box rocket with Baby Bear to the moon and then we looked at what it is like to be an astronaut in space.


As part of the topic the children have created their own amazing vehicles using boxes, bottle tops, paper, straws, glue, masking

tape and paint.


