Consultation Process
In preparation for statutory changes to the curriculum of Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) in September 2020, we have drafted a new policy and put together a new scheme of work
We have taken a long time to put these plans together and we haven’t taken the decisions to introduce certain things at particular year groups lightly. We have put together a scheme of work that not only meets the legal requirements but is also one that we as professional educators are happy with and we hope that we can work with you, the parents and carers, to make it great.
Your views on the policy and schemes of work matter and we would like you to be involved in the consultation process.
Once you have had the opportunity to read the policy, schemes of work and other useful documents, that you can find on the PSHE pages of our website. You can take part in our feedback process by completing a short survey.
Parents will receive a link to the survey separately.
We will review your feedback and use it to help plan our way forward. We will continue to keep parents and carers informed.
RSHE parent consultation survey
Thank you to all of the parents who contributed and shared their views by completing the survey. The results have now been analysed and we have, in consultation with governors, used those findings to make a few amendments to our PSHE programme.
Click link below for survey results.
Changes made to the PSHE/RSHE curriculum as a result of the parent consultation
Most of the concerns raised by parents were regarding the teaching of puberty, it is now law that we teach puberty, it is not something that you can withdraw your child from but we have made some changes that delay teaching some aspects of puberty to older year groups.
Y4 menstruation - Will move to the summer term, just before the girls move to Y5. With parents, we will talk through the lesson content and share resources prior to the lessons with the girls, ideally, this would be a parent meeting but this year it may have to be electronically.
Y5 puberty - Wet dreams was the biggest concern from parents regarding puberty in Y5 so we will move it from Y5 to Y6 RSE (Sex Education programme) lessons.
Y6 puberty - Masturbation, the major concern from parents regarding Y6 puberty lessons, will move from Y6 puberty to the Y6 RSE (Sex Education programme) lessons . Parents will still have the right to withdraw their child from Sex education.
We will offer meetings to parents (possibly electronically) prior to teaching puberty in order to discuss the lesson content and resources being used.
Areas we won’t be changing
For other parts of the RSHE programme the majority of responses were positive so we will not be making any further changes to the PSHE programme, as outlined on the PSHE page of the school website.
We were particularly pleased to note that parents have recognised how important it is for our children to be learning about discrimination and the protected characteristics (90% were ok, happy or very happy)
Y2 - We still intend to introduce the terms penis and vulva in Y2 science and health education lessons because it is important for all children to know and be comfortable using the correct scientific words for parts of the body, including external genitalia for child protection and medical reasons.
Y6- We will continue to offer Sex Education lessons to our Y6 pupils in the summer term. We will offer a meeting to parents prior to the sessions to discuss the lessons and resources being used. Parents will still be able to withdraw their child from the sessions.