School Sport Nottingham - PE @ Home Challenges
The following links are full of ideas for sporting activities you can do at home alone or with your family without the need for too much equipment. Go on, have a go!
Notts School Games
5 daily challenges with a different sporting theme each week. Ideas for improving fitness and skills in some of your favourite sports.
Keep Fit and Active
Follow these links for some super physical activities to try at home. There is something for everyone so give it a go!
This Girls Can Disney Dance Routines
PE with Joe Wicks on YouTube (This is very popular and very good!)
Youth Sport Trust Learning – PE at Home
Change4Life Activities
BBC Super Movers
Get Set – Olympic Games Indoor Activities
Excel Sports Coaches
Seb, Rhys, Mark, Our Berridge Sports coaches, have put together some videos for you to try at home. Keep tuning in as they hope to keep adding sessions.