
Berridge Primary and Nursery SchoolWorking Together to Achieve Success



Safeguarding Procedures


We believe that safeguarding children is everyone's responsibility. If you are concerned about a child then please speak to a member of staff. The Designated Senior Staff responsible for safeguarding and child protection are Mr Tee,  Mrs Aldridge, Mrs Maltby, Mrs Gordon Lewis, Ms Phillips, Ms Hafeez and Mrs Qudus.


Full details of our safeguarding policy is available from the office and below on this page.


All staff and volunteers in school have security checks including DBS. All Staff undertake regular safeguarding training to ensure they are up to date with procedures.


Allegations against staff and volunteers


All staff and volunteers should be aware of their duty to report any concerns about the attitude, actions or behaviour of staff.  If a child, parent, volunteer or staff member makes an allegation regarding a member of staff, the head teacher should be immediately informed.  The head teacher will discuss the allegation and seek guidance from the Local Area Designated Office (LADO). Details are on the Nottingham City website. Please ask the school office for the number.  If the allegation refers to the Head Teacher then  the Chair of Governors, Mrs Michelle Dennis, should be informed.  Support or advice can be gained from any of the school’s staff. The governor responsible for safeguarding is Mr Majid Hussain.


Fire Precautions


In the event of the fire alarm sounding continuously at any time, everyone must leave the building immediately using the nearest fire exit – all are clearly marked.  You will be directed to the assembly point that is allocated to the class you are with. On discovering a fire, sound the fire alarm by breaking the glass at a call point.  These are situated by fire exits throughout the school.



School Security

All visitors to school must be signed in at reception and will be wearing an identification badge.  We please ask that you keep external doors closed and do not allow access to the building to anyone who does not have identification. We ask that visitors do not use cameras or mobiles to take pictures on the school site without permission.

E Safety

The school has central filtering software to protect children from visiting unsuitable website sites. Children are taught about E safety and appropriate use on the internet. Staff monitor internet activities and ensure the internet is used for positive educational purpose.  On our website we have information about E Safety for parents. 



Berridge Primary and Nursery School operates a non-smoking policy, this includes the grounds  as well as the buildings.


What to do if you are worried about a child or adult 

Below are some posters and contact details for external organisations you can contact if you are worried about a child or an adult working with children . 


If you are a Child, a Parent, a Family Member or a Member of the public and have worries about a child - Please contact us on 0115 876 4800 to discuss your worries.


Multi Agency Safeguarding Children Hub (MASH) - Nottingham City Council

safeguarding team

Useful information if you are worried about a child or an adult working with children

Useful Websites to visit 

Please see some of the websites you can visit if you are concerned about a child


Woman’s Aid

Home - Women's Aid (


Mind – supporting mental health

Home - Mind


Child line

Childline | Childline



NSPCC | The UK children's charity | NSPCC
