
Berridge Primary and Nursery SchoolWorking Together to Achieve Success


Rule of Law

Rules help us to stay safe and fair.

They apply to everyone, no matter who they are.

Good Practice

  • Teach the value and reasons behind the laws, that govern and protect us and the consequences when laws are broken
  • Understand that there are laws and rules to keep us safe and happy
  • Reinforce the importance of Laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country.
  • Encouraging pupils to take responsibility for their actions
  • Evidence at Berridge
  • Pupils following the school rules
  • Understand the needs for laws and rules – and follow them such as in PE, there are safety rules but also rules within team sports
  • Use of Reflection Sheets to encourage children's accountability for their actions
  • Pupils know right from wrong
  • RE units of work and Identity, Equality and society units of work cover related concepts
  • Visits from outside speakers from local faith leaders to Local Community Police Officers