
Berridge Primary and Nursery SchoolWorking Together to Achieve Success


Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.


    Thu 25 Jul 2024

    As from Thursday 29th August the price of a school meal will increase from £2.50 to £2.70 per day or £13.50 if you pay on a weekly basis.

    1 Day £2.70

    2 Day

    3 Day £8.10
    4 Day £10.80
    5 Day £13.50

    We are committed to offering a nutritionally balanced two course meal, which meets the government food standards at a realistic price.
    When paying for school meals could you please note that:-
    • Dinners must be paid for in advance and before meals are taken.
    • Dinner money needs to be paid for via the Arbor app.
    A copy of the school menu is available on the school website.
    If you believe you may be entitled to free school meals, application forms are available on the school website or from either school office.
    Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.
    Yours sincerely
    Mr J Tee
    Head Teacher


  • Summer Fair 2024

    Fri 21 Jun 2024

    Thank you to everyone who attended our Summer Fair this week. A wonderful time was had by all, the sun was shining and we raised a lot of money for the school. 

    Please see the Whole School Gallery for pictures of the event and the raffle prize winners.

  • Berridge Summer Fair - Wednesday 19th June 2024

    Tue 11 Jun 2024

    Berridge Summer Fair - Wednesday 19th June 2024


    We would love to invite all our children, parents, family and friends to the annual Berridge Summer Fair on Wednesday 19th June 4pm-5.30pm. There will be lots of stalls, food, raffle, tombola, games and much much more.

    Raffle Prizes: 1st Prize - £300, 2nd Prize £150, 3rd Prize £50.

    Raffle tickets are on sale from both sites, 25p per ticket and £1 a strip


  • Changes to Penalty Notices 2024

    Tue 11 Jun 2024

    Changes to Penalty Notices - from 19th August 2024 Penalty Notice fines for school attendance are changing with the introduction of The National Framework for Penalty Notices. The changes will come into force for Penalty Notices issued after 19th August 2024. 

    Please see the school website for more information.

  • SATs Week: Monday 13th May - Thursday 16th May

    Fri 10 May 2024

    Dear Parents/Carers


    As you will be aware the Year 6 children will be starting their SATs next week: Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May 2024.


    Please ensure that your child arrives on time every day as the tests will start promptly after morning registration and allowances cannot be given for lateness.


    It is also essential that your child has early nights leading up to and during SATs week and please ensure that they have had a decent breakfast.


    SATs can be a stressful time for children and parents alike. However, talk about the SATs with them. The school will also do this; however, it makes a bigger impact if school and parents do this together. Children perform best when they are relaxed.


    Thank you

    Year 6 Teachers

  • World Book Day - Thursday 7th March

    Thu 22 Feb 2024

    World Book Day - Thursday 7th March

  • Red Nose Day - Friday 15th March

    Thu 22 Feb 2024

    Red Nose Day - Friday 15th March


    This year we are asking the children to come to school in non-uniform wearing all the colours of the rainbow and bring in the suggested £1 donation which will go to Comic Relief.


    Please do not feel the need to buy any new clothing especially for this day.


    School will be selling Red Noses again this year for £2.00. Noses will be available to purchase on the school playground at both sites from Monday 11th March.

    Please can we ask parents to give their children the right amount of money if possible as school has limited amounts of change.


    Comic Relief is a charity which raises money to help people live free from poverty, violence and discrimination in both the UK and overseas.


    Any donations will be collected during morning registration on Friday 15th March.


    We thank you in advance for your support.

  • Parents Evening Brushfield Site - Wednesday 7th February 3.30pm - 6pm.

    Tue 16 Jan 2024

    Parents Evening Brushfield Site - Wednesday 7th February 3.30pm - 6pm. Please book your appointment using the Arbor App/Parent Portal. If you need any help logging into Arbor then please contact the school office. 

  • Parents Evening Bobbers Mill - Wednesday 31st January

    Tue 16 Jan 2024

    Parents Evening Bobbers Mill - Wednesday 31st January 3.40pm - 6pm. Please book your appointment using the Arbor App/Parent Portal. If you need any help logging into Arbor then please contact the school office. 

  • School Photos Bobbers Mill Site - Tuesday 16th January

    Thu 04 Jan 2024

    School Photos Bobbers Mill Site - Tuesday 16th January
